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Archives of Reflections


I only get REALLY sick once or twice a decade. (cue: wood-knocking) A few days ago, my number came up. I fell into the viral lair and am still spinning. Though, today, the pace is much slower, thank you. (You still reading? Trust me, keep going.) I’ll skip the gory details and move on to the […]

Barefoot Walking Meditation on the Earth, a Somatic Practice

I don’t know about your feet, but mine love walking shoeless.  And no I don’t mean on city streets in the rubber feet-shoe thingies. I’m talking old-school barefoot. Adam and Eve style. Try this on the beach or anywhere you’re willing to walk without shoes. (I’m hoping to challenge you to walk barefoot in places outside […]

Meditative Eye Postures: not only are they a thing, they’ve been around for aeons.

My latest article on Elephant Journal. How our eyes affect our mood. Meditative postures that help ur mood via our eyes. Here’s an excerpt: When our eyes aren’t well, we aren’t well.   Burning eyes = burning mood. Tired eyes = tired mood = tired ideas. I’m suggesting the acronym SLATS—Stop Looking At The Screen. May […]

We Are Sprouts Again: Springtime Yoga Practice

The body doesn’t have to look out the window to know the season. As Spring nears, we wake up and feel a little stirring feeling, a bit of perk in the energy. It’s easier to get up and get out. Even our step has spring. Below the soil’s surface, the new sprouts sense and seek the sunlight […]

My Version of Why this Buddha is Reclining

I was in Thailand earlier this month. The first thing I wanted to see after arriving in Bangkok was the magnificent “Reclining Buddha.” This amazing work of golden art is so large it takes at least 10 minutes to walk around it. I took much more time to walk around it.  I was so struck […]

5 Plain and Simple Tips for Staying Warm in Winter Rainy Season

We know this. The ground we stand on might be hardened with cold and appear barren, but underneath is the raging fire of the earth’s heart that is always stoked and healing the planet from the inside. Above, the sky might be all-day-grey, but we know that the clouds are just a layer, a curtain […]

Sincere Gratitude: A Real Thank You or None at All, Thanks

So this month we are supposed to feel Gratitude. Everyone has gratitude, and likes to feel it. The spontaneous arising of authentic appreciation feels warm and fuzzy, sometimes really exciting. But what about those times when we fake the form of gratitude without any feeling whatsoever? We’re obligated at times- especially during this month- to give […]

Autumn: Season of Dissolution and Dark Mirrors

I feel moved to share something I’ve been mulling over   regarding the whole Autumnal seasonal association with loss, death, or finality. I have always tended to feel dread in the fall. The animal body shrinking from the colder and darker days, perhaps. On a deeper level, though, I was totally buyimg into the idea […]

What is Yoga Nidra? (Part 1 of 2)

In Sanskrit, Yoga Nidra means “Sleep of the Yogi.” As a practice, it’s about learning to fall into deep states of rest without getting sleepy or spacing out. The practice is not something we create, but one of using natural states of mind we are very familiar with.   What is this experience like? Here’s one […]

The Yoga of Tears

“Do you know a cure for me?” “Why yes,” he said, “I know a cure for everything. Salt water.” “Salt water?” I asked him. “Yes,” he said, “in one way or the other. Sweat, or tears, or the salt sea.”       Isak Dinesen, “The Deluge at Norderney”      Tears seem to be a […]