Week 1: Working with Overwhelm & Life's Mystery and Confusion
A primer of small, simple and easy-to-use tools to move through the layer of stress, anxiety and other energies that block us from resting in our deeper self and accessing our creativity and insight. We'll practice these liberatory tools on our own + in optional partner mutual-care, as well as explore the science behind these tools.
Week 2: Exploring the Body as Change
Opening awareness to the rich landscape of sensations, desires and values hidden underneath all the clutter and noise. Meditation, movement and all our Core Practices (listed above) will come into play as we tap into our deeper self, what we might want and what we might do, guided by discernment and maturity.
Week 3: Re-aligning Feeling & Values-Based Action
Summoning emotional intelligence, gut instinct and other forms of body wisdom + exploring how this wisdom relates to our decisions, plans and relationships with ourselves, others and larger culture + leaning into possible futures as a conscious life practice and meaning-making process.
Week 4: Practicing Inner & Outer Futures We Want to Live In
Allowing life to be a safe testing ground where we consciously and discreetly undertake small experiments in shaping change and creating futures that honor the legacy of our ancestors and support us, our children, the planet and all beings.
Week 5: Integration & Rest
Open time to catch up, reflect. Wednesday Subtle Movement/ Somatics class will be devoted to answering questions and clarification. Friday Yoga-based flow will be held as usual to help the body integrate, clear and make space for the new. Tina will be available for email support this week.
There is no magic bullet or easy fix. No promise you'll leave these 5 weeks with your life all figured out and cleansed of paradox. But there is support and inspiration.
There are meaningful, effective, time-tested practices that are also compelling to explore.
These practices and processes are nothing new.
They've been imagined, gleaned, shaped and honed by our ancestors for countless generations. And just as those who came before us tested out and refined these tools in their own lives, we can do the same in our own lives.
Our actions tend to define us, so it's a gift when circumstances allow us to act 100% as we feel. Our character is largely made up by what we feel + what we value. Just as water and rock shape one another over time, our actions and character shape one another through everyday living.
Some cultures and belief systems reinforce the misconception that good people override their own feelings and values as a way of taking care of others. All too often, though, these forms of civility, sacrifice and/or martyrdom serve no one beyond the systems themselves, and can even harm the people ostensibly being cared for.
We also receive signals from our earliest years that feelings are self-indulgent, unreliable and dangerous to follow, while the rational mind is the only honorable and trustworthy form of intelligence humans have.
The truth is, no human has ever lived a day relying solely on rational thinking.
Rationality and thought are important, but are meant to be integrated parts of our whole body system alongside other forms of intelligence, all of which conspire every moment so that we might flow a little more smoothly though the tricky situations life can unfold.
This is where mind-body (psycho-somatic) full embodiment comes in...
The Anatomy of Action is all about body-based ways to work with the overwhelm of these times, process change, re-root action back into true feeling and values, and practice futures we want to live in.
These practices, the insights they generate, coupled with the decisions and plans you'll make (and then test out in your life) can serve you, your beloveds and communities for lifetimes.
May these tools and toys bolster our intentions to know and do better as individuals and as a collective.