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What I Did While My Digital Lantern was Dim

Well, Hello there. I’m back. Happy 2015!

If you read the last newsletter I wrote, which was sent on Dec. 2014, I announced the “dimming of my digital lantern”.

Not only did I begin to pare down my workload on Dec.. 16th, I deleted the work-related social media posts that were scheduled to automatically post to Facebook and twitter on various days during the holiday period.

I decided to also “unschedule” newsletters as well.Why?  I needed a true work break and some digital/internet quiet. How could I give myself a quiet break yet continue to post noise for others to hear?

I was one less chattering voice in the cacophony of self-promotion, sales, strategy, calls-to-action and the like that make up work and online/life.

So what did I do?

  • I used the time to stand back from the canvas of my work and just look at the big picture I’d been symbolically painting.
  • I examined my goals and intentions to see if they really represented my deepest DESIRES.
  • I hardly sat down at my desk, I seldom checked email (even on my phone) and made no work plans.
  • I made things with my hands, looked at peoples’s faces, listened to voices of others as well as those ringing in my own head.

Internally, I got pretty quiet, though externally I was sometimes festive.I don’t think I had any major epiphanies or breakthroughs. I wasn’t necessarily expecting any.Quiet does not have to have an agenda.That’s it for me.

What about you? I’m looking forward to hearing what you did.