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Archives of My writing

The mind of Posture- Gateway to Meditation- Spotlight on Yin Yoga

One bit of positive feedback I hear about my classes is that they unify the physical with the meditative experience– both during and after the practice.  So, in this issue I’d like to shed some light on an aspect of practice that helped me unify  these two seemingly opposing parts of the self.

Heart as Love Machine: Love as Lifeforce

The first yogis were among those who wisely understood the productive power of the heart. They saw the heart’s symbolic color as green– the color we associate with money, sustainability and potential. The “Anahata,” or Heart Chakra in many yogic traditions is represented by a green flower whose bloom is synonymous with willpower and the […]

Regarding the Glamour of the New

In general, we’re all about newness in this fast-paced, global information age. New information steals our attention away from the old. New things are more shiny than the ones we already have. New year’s skepticism just doesn’t quite filter out the seductive glow of portent and opportunity. So many people are basking in that glow. Illuminating […]

About my little bell

My little “bell”- as I call it- is something of an instrument and something of a voice- yet it is neither. It represents the traditional Tibetan “singing” bowl, a Buddhist object used for thousands of years in the Himalayan regions of Tibet and Nepal. The metal bowls, when struck with a wooden stick, release circular […]

Roam if you want to. Inner Wilderness awaiting you.

As we know, meditation practice involves training in methodology and deepens with practice. Ultimately, though, meditation is a state of freedom.  We always have permission to explore, to let it run loose.

Ways of Getting Centered

Even my most active movement classes always begin with a centering practice. Sitting or lying down, resting into the body.

Savasana: “Don’t just lie there. Wake up like a corpse!”

Other cultures (and not only eastern ones) actually meditate in graveyards and charnel grounds where bodies are buried and/or cremated.  These places are full of significance for practitioners. They symbolize the self integration that sustains a meaningful life, connected with the change that guides the universe, encourages the suspension of ego, the end of fear-based […]

You’d make a beautiful corpse.

When we make a special meal, we use the best tools we have- the best pot for cooking, the best dishes for enjoying the meal.  When we eat good food, we do it for the nourishment. The same is true in yoga. We use our bodies as the containers for the poses- “cooking” internally as […]

What is Yin Yoga?

WHAT IS YIN YOGA? The yin tissues of the body are the deeper, more hidden fascia, connective tissues and their joints.  These delicate tissues require a safe form of conditioning such as stretching/ stillness. The so-called “Yang” tissues, a more common focus in Western exercise, are the larger, more external and visible muscles and ligaments […]